Here are the list of Best Free CAD Software Tools

If your field uses the word innovation in any of their objectives then you need CAD and this list is just the thing you need. So, here are the best free cad software available in the Internet today,

free cad tools

3D builder

It is free CAD software for Microsoft users where you can download the designs by others and modify them according to you. You can even scan an object from different angles in the mobile app and recreate a 3D object of your own by stitching the photos.


It is an opensource software displaying 2D ( but isometric) views with a small file size of 30 MB. The best software for beginning with a simple UI is all you need to not drop the plan of using CAD software.


It focuses mainly on the mechanical features of any 3D design, creating a mesh for 3D printing.It can slim 3D designs to save printing costs; it automatically generates joints; and can perform hollowing, scaling and meshmixer simplification.


With this, it is possible to collaborate with others in real time. Exporting is available for paid users but you can embed your model and you do have up to 3 personal projects on Victory.You can also have an ‘Educational account’ to avail separate benefits

Houdini Apprentice

You can reuse objects by simply changing parameters, due to the node-based workflow. You can generate complex geometries with a uniform quality which is an outcome of the procedural modeling approach.Even the free version offers a resolution of up to 1280 ✕ 720 px. Some other apps that you need to know are Blender, Sculptris, eMachineShop, ArtofIllusion, Antimony, SculptGL, and MagicaVoxel. These free CAD software are extremely simple to download and use, they come with detailed installation and instruction documentation.

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